Sunday, March 15, 2009

Surgery Outcome

My surgery on Thursday went well, but I have to go back because they weren't able to get everything. So I've spent the past few days in bed doing nothing. I'm so drugged up that I keep forgetting things. For instance, I called my Mom and forgot I called her, so called her back to tell her everything I'd already said. I only know this because I was told that's what I did. In addition to the pain of the surgery, I've developed a bad cold. My entire body aches and my back hurts from laying on it, but when I sit for too long, I get dizzy. I've also been sleeping non stop since Thursday afternoon. I find that I can only stay awake for 2 or so hours at a time. Guess I really need the rest. It's nice to know the pain I've been in for so long has almost come to an end. Hopefully, I'll be able to beat this cold and the pain from the surgery will go down by Tuesday because that's when I've got to go back to work.

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