You've probably heard a few health myths that SOUND true . . . like that fresh fruits and veggies are better than frozen, or that sea salt has less sodium. But just because it SOUNDS true, doesn't mean it is: If frozen produce was picked during the peak of the growing season, it's actually BETTER than fresh. And sea salt has just as much sodium as table salt does people just tend to use LESS sea salt, because it has bigger crystals. Here are five more healthy food myths that either aren't true, or don't tell the whole story.
Myth #1.) 100% Fruit Juice Is Good for You. It's better than juice from concentrate, but it's still loaded with sugar. It's much healthier to eat the whole fruit, which still has sugar but also has the fiber and vitamins that you don't get in juice.
Myth #2.) Gatorade Is Better Than Water After You Exercise. Unless you work out really hard for over an hour . . . or when it's really hot outside . . . water is fine. In fact, having a sports drink after a light workout just adds extra calories you don't need.
Myth #3.) Dark Bread Is Always Better Than White Bread. Some bread companies add caramel coloring to make bread LOOK healthy. So check for a brand that says "whole grain" or "100% whole wheat." And the first ingredient should either be whole wheat, whole rye, whole-grain corn, oat, barley, buckwheat, or brown rice.
Myth #4.) Eggs with Brown Shells Are Better for You. The only thing the color of an eggshell tells you is what color the hen was: White eggs come from hens with white feathers. Brown eggs come from hens with red feathers. Brown eggs are usually more expensive, but it's because red hens eat more than white hens do, not because brown eggs are healthier.
Myth #5.) If the Label Says "All Natural," It Must Be Healthy. If it's on meat or poultry, it means they didn't add any artificial colors or flavors, and the meat wasn't irradiated to kill off bacteria. But with any other type of food, the word "natural" is just marketing nonsense that's absolutely meaningless.
I work in the food industry and can definitely agree that the "natural" marketing scheme is really meaningless. It sounds good but there is no organization, certification, or laws to even define exactly what natural means or ensure that anyone follows it. Generally, it means that there is no additives, but that doesn't mean that it is good for you or even really natural.