Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Three Examples of Conventional Wisdom You Don't Have to Follow Anymore:

According to a new article from Fox Business, a lot of the "sound advice" you got from your parents isn't what it's cracked up to be. Here are three examples of conventional wisdom you shouldn't follow anymore.

#1.) Change Your Oil Every 3,000 Miles. You might already know this one, and it USED to be good advice. But now car engines are better than they used to be, and so is the quality of the oil. So a lot of experts say it's really somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 miles for newer models. But mechanics keep telling people 3,000 so they can make more money.

#2.) A Higher Thread Count Equals Better Sheets. When you buy sheets, it usually says the thread count on the front. And high thread count sheets are always more expensive. But it turns out low thread count sheets come with a few benefits. First, they're lighter, so they don't take as long to dry after you wash them. And your dryer is one of the most expensive appliances in your home. But the main advantage is, low thread count sheets are better for your skin. A high thread count might FEEL better, but they don't breathe as much. Sheets should help keep you warm, but also let air circulate to keep your skin healthy.

#3.) Running Your Ceiling Fan in Reverse During the Winter Will Help Keep the Room Warm. If you have high ceilings, it doesn't do much because it can't push the heat down far enough for you to feel it. And if you have low ceilings, the air current offsets any of the heating benefits. So in other words, if you run your ceiling fans in reverse this winter, you're just wasting electricity.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Three Laws You Might Be Breaking Without Even Knowing It:

If you think you're a law-abiding citizen, check out this list from Cracked.  It's three laws you might be breaking without even knowing it.

#1.) Connecting to an Unsecure Wi-Fi Network. It was illegal before you even knew the Internet EXISTED. Congress passed the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act in 1986, and made it a FEDERAL CRIME to gain unauthorized access to a computer or a website. And they specifically included wireless routers too. They just don't enforce it. But in at least four documented cases . . . in Florida, Illinois, Michigan, and Alaska . . . people HAVE been arrested for using someone else's Internet.

#2.) Singing "Happy Birthday To You" in Public. You've probably heard it's copyrighted . . . which is why you almost never hear it in movies or TV shows. But technically, ANYONE can get sued for copyright infringement if they sing it in a public place where, quote, "a substantial number of persons" can hear it . . . not counting your friends and family singing with you.  In fact, the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers once told the Girl Scouts of America that if they wanted to keep singing it at birthday parties, they'd have to pay ROYALTIES. They ended up backing off though . . . because suing the Girl Scouts would've made them look downright evil. The song was originally copyrighted by a publishing company in 1935, but Time Warner owns it now. And they make about $2 million dollars off it every year.

#3.) Playing Fantasy Football with Your Friends. But only if there's A LOT of money at stake. According to the Illegal Gambling Act of 1970, any betting that violates state or local law and involves five or more people is technically an illegal gambling ring. But only if $2,000 or more exchanges hands in one day. So that means if you win your high-stakes fantasy football league this year and get a big check in the mail, you could technically get up to TEN YEARS in prison.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Three Things You Never Think to Clean, but Should:

You've heard how dirty your keyboard at work is, right? The average work desk has about 400 times more bacteria than a toilet seat. And that's really gross considering that 83% of Americans eat at their desks. Here are three more things you never think to clean, but probably should.

#1.) Your Phone. Your cell phone or your home phone can make you sick. Cell phones get covered in bacteria because we take them with us everywhere, and use them without washing our hands.  Home phones collect bacteria because usually, more than one person is using it. Work phones are a little safer if you're the only one using it.

#2.) Your Dishwasher. The hot water kills the bacteria INSIDE the dishwasher. But the edges of the DOOR are a breading ground for mold and mildew. And it happens on the rubber cushioning of your refrigerator door too.

#3.) Your Indoor Garbage Cans. Even with a bag, the inside of trash cans can accumulate germs and bacteria. So every few times you take out the trash, scrub the inside of the can too.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Seven of the Healthiest Ways to Spend a Dollar at the Grocery Store:

According to an article on, the easiest way to shop cheap and healthy at the grocery store is to spend as little time in the aisles as possible. That's because things like fruits, vegetables, milk, and grains are usually in the outermost sections of the store.  And the aisles in the middle of the store are mostly filled with processed food that's more expensive. Here's a list of the seven healthiest ways to spend a dollar at the supermarket.

 #1.)  A Week's Worth of Oats.  They're high in fiber and complex carbohydrates.  And if you have high cholesterol, oatmeal can lower it.

#2.)  A Half-Dozen Eggs.  They're one of the cheapest sources of protein you can find.  And research shows that the antioxidants in eggs can help prevent age-related issues with your eyesight.

#3.)  Five Bananas.  They're high in potassium and fiber, and they cost as little as 20 cents each.  So for a dollar a week, you can have a banana at work every single day.  That's the same price as one bag of chips from the vending machine.

#4.)  A Can of Garbanzo Beans.  Unless they're refried, basically ANY kind of beans are good for you because they have protein and fiber.  But garbanzo beans are also high in iron, folate, manganese, and might lower cholesterol too.

#5.)  Spinach.  You can get a big bushel of it for around a buck, and it's high in vitamin C, iron, and calcium.

#6.)  Yogurt.  A single-serving of yogurt costs about a dollar, and it's rich in protein, vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, and potassium.

#7.)  Coffee.  It's loaded with antioxidants that can help prevent heart disease and cancer.  And if you make it at home, it's WAY less than a dollar a cup.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Rolling in the End

 Somehow, this finds a way to make sense. Someone put together Linkin Park's "In the End" and Adele's "Rolling in the Deep" to create a mashup called "Rolling in the End"  Check it out here:

Five Headache Triggers and How to Treat Them:

If you partied a little too hard this weekend, then you know where that headache you woke up with came from.  But here's a list from iVillage of five more headache triggers, and how to treat them.

#1.)  Hunger.  You've probably heard that some foods can cause migraines . . . like chocolate, caffeine, and certain kinds of cheese. But for most people, HOW OFTEN you eat is more important than WHAT you eat.  So if you get NORMAL headaches all the time . . . not migraines . . . try eating smaller meals, and eating more often.  It'll also help you lose weight.

 #2.)  Sex.  It's actually been shown to RELIEVE some types of pain.  But sometimes the muscles in your head and neck tense up so much, it gives you a headache.  And an increase in blood pressure can also do it. It doesn't happen to most people, but if you suffer from migraines, you're much more likely to have a problem.  So taking migraine meds BEFORE you get busy is the best way to prevent it.

#3.)  Hormones.  According to the National Headache Foundation, 60% of women who have migraines get them during their menstrual cycle.  And researchers think it has to do with the change in estrogen. To prevent them, talk to your doctor about taking an anti-inflamatory, like Advil or Aleve.  And start taking them a day or two before your cycle starts.

#4.)  Bad Posture.  Slouching can put more strain on the nerves near the top of your spine, which can cause what SEEMS like a migraine.  But you can prevent it by standing up straight, and by learning a few stretches: First, stretch the muscles in the back of your neck by tilting your head as far forward as you can, and holding it for 20 seconds.  Then tilt your head to each side and do the same thing.

 #5.)  Waking Up.  If you take too many pain killers before bed, you can wake up with what's called a "rebound headache."  And cluster headaches are sometimes called "alarm clock headaches" because they're so bad, they wake you up. Tension headaches are usually worse in the morning too, and unfortunately, iVillage doesn't really have a treatment for morning headaches, because they happen for so many reasons.  They say to talk to your doctor, and see what's best.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

At a Loss for Words? This site can help:

Losing a loved one can be difficult . . . because other people may not know what to say to you without sounding dumb.  But now there’s a website that  gives advice on how you can express the right level of sensitivity while writing a sympathy note or offering condolences.  It offers tips in special situations like a friend just diagnosed with cancer, someone who loses an estranged parent, or writing a sympathy note when you never met the deceased person.  Here's the site:

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Whitney's Kid Sings Adele

Whitney Houston's daughter Bobbi Kristina made a video of herself singing Adele's "Someone Like You" She doesn't have her Mamma's pipes, but it's not that bad for a kid:

The Five Main Reasons We All Gain Weight This Time of Year

People always start gaining weight this time of year, so DR. OZ put out a list of the five main reasons it happens . . . and what you can do about it. Here they are.

#1.) Not Enough Water. When it's hot out, we drink a lot without even thinking about it. But once it starts to cool down, we drink less. And the more water you drink, the less likely you are to snack. Maybe you've heard this before, but Dr. Oz thinks it's worth repeating: In one study, dieters who drank two eight-ounce glasses of water 20 to 30 minutes before each meal lost 40% more weight.

#2.) Less Time Outdoors. It's unavoidable once the days get shorter and the temperature drops. So you have to do more INDOOR activities . . . like going to the gym, or playing basketball at an indoor court.  Dr. Oz also suggests buying a pedometer . . . which measures how many steps you take in a day . . . so you'll know exactly how much you're moving.
#3.) Comfort Foods. You're more likely to eat baked goods, simply because more people start baking this time of year. And when you eat too much fat and sugar, it tricks your brain into thinking you still need food. Plus, instead of grilling on the barbecue . . . which is a fairly healthy way to cook . . . you eat more things like casserole and mashed potatoes.

#4.) Snacking on Junk Food. This one kind of goes hand-in-hand with "Comfort Foods," but it's different because it has a lot to do with one specific holiday: Halloween. It's only a month-and-a-half away, which means pretty soon everyone will have little bowls of bite-sized candy sitting around.  So pay attention to what you're eating between meals. And instead of candy, eat more healthy snacks, like apples and carrots.

#5.) Too Much Alcohol. It depends on what you're drinking, but every ounce-and-a-half of alcohol generally equals about 90 calories. So a few drinks can easily derail a diet. Dr. Oz says that if you're really serious about keeping your summer body, you should avoid alcohol COMPLETELY, and just drink water.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Here are Six Things You Probably Didn't Know About 9/11:

#1.)  20 people were pulled out alive from the rubble of the World Trade Center.  That included two policemen who were buried for close to 21 hours, and a woman from the 64th floor of one tower who was buried for 27 hours.

#2.)  The British lost the second highest number of people.  More than EIGHTY nationalities lost at least one life that day.  372 non-Americans were murdered, including 67 Brits.

#3.)  The fire lasted for 99 days.  The World Trade Center fire wasn't extinguished completely until December 19th . . . a full 99 days after the attacks.

#4.)  A third skyscraper fell.  A 47-story building, World Trade Center Building 7, ALSO fell . . . late in the afternoon on 9/11.  It wasn't hit by a plane . . . the fires and collapse of the other towers made it fall.

#5.)  One company lost two-thirds of its employees.  A financial services firm called Cantor Fitzgerald saw 658 of its 960 employees die on 9/11.  Ten years later, the firm has donated more than $180 MILLION to those employees' families.

#6.)  The steel from the WTC was sold.  About 185,101 tons of steel were left in the aftermath of the World Trade Center.  Much of it has been sold to China and India . . . the rest has been used for memorials.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Three Ways to Live as Long as the Japanese:

Americans aren't exactly the healthiest people on Earth: When it comes to average life expectancy, the U.S. ranked 50th out of 221 countries in a study done by the CIA. The average life expectancy in the U.S. is 78 years old, and the Japanese have the HIGHEST life expectancy of any country at 86. That's eight more years, on average. Here's a list from "Men's Health" of three things the Japanese do that could lengthen YOUR life.

#1.) Go to the Doctor. You're supposed to go for at least a check-up once a year. But a lot of Americans don't go until something's wrong. In Japan, they go more often because they HAVE to. If you're between the ages of 40 and 74, annual checkups are MANDATORY.

#2.) Control Your Portion Sizes. The Japanese eat a lot more fish than we do, which is one reason they live longer. But across the board, they eat smaller portions. Maybe you've heard this, but one way to cut down on how much you eat is to use smaller plates, bowls, and utensils. In a study at Cornell University, people who ate ice cream from bigger bowls with bigger spoons ate an average of 57% more.

#3.) Eat More Vegetables. You've probably heard this one your whole life too, and STILL don't eat enough. But this might show you how important it is: According to research, people in Japan can easily have four or five different vegetables in one meal. And about 60% of Japanese people eat veggies with EVERY meal. That adds up to five or six servings a day. But according to the Center for Disease Control, Americans struggle to eat the bare minimum of THREE servings. Only about 26% of us manage to do it.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Three Steps to Train Yourself to Become a Morning Person:

According to a new article in "Reader's Digest", you can TRAIN yourself to be a morning person. The key things you need to do are kind of obvious, but they're also pretty easy. For example, making sure you eat breakfast is one of them. But not just ANY breakfast. You're supposed to load up on things that are high in fiber . . . like oatmeal . . . and things that are high in protein . . . like eggs. Here are three more simple things you can do to turn yourself into a morning person.

#1.) Don't Stay Up Past Your Bedtime. Obviously, you'll be tired in the morning if you don't get enough sleep. But just getting the recommended seven to eight hours won't make you a morning person. You also have to go to bed at roughly the same time every night, so you don't mess with your body's internal clock. If you go to bed at the same time every night . . . for enough nights in a row . . . you'll start waking up feeling refreshed instead of tired.

#2.) Let More Sunlight Into Your Bedroom. A lot of people sleep with their window blinds down to keep the room dark. But when your room is pitch black, your body thinks it's still the middle of the night.  So even if you get enough sleep, you'll be groggy when your alarm clock goes off. Opening up the window blinds will let more light in the room, which will help you wake up gradually. If you CAN'T get more sunlight in your room, they make special alarm clocks now that wake you up with ARTIFICIAL sunlight. You can get one for around $125.

#3.) Get Some Early Exercise. If you're not a morning person, then you probably won't be willing to hit the gym before work. But the good news is, you don't have to. Even a quick walk or a few push-ups can help get you going. Just don't go nuts, because several studies have shown that you're also more likely to suffer a fatal heart attack early in the morning.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Four Beneficial Activities They Don't Let Kids Do in School:

Most teachers want the best for their students. But some of the policies that schools have can actually be detrimental to your child's education. Here's a list from of four beneficial activities they don't let kids do in school.

#1.) Texting. Kids can learn bad grammar from texting, because there's no pressure to use punctuation, or even full words. But despite that fact, research has shown that texting actually IMPROVES language skills. Basically, the better you are at texting, the better you are at writing. And the earlier you start, the better.

#2.) No Chewing Gum. Teachers can't stand it when kids snap their gum. But CHEWING gum could actually result in better grades. It's been shown to help you focus, and it relieves tension. The military even uses it to keep soldiers alert.

#3.) No Fidgeting. Studies have shown that fidgeting at your desk can burn up to 350 extra calories a day . . . which is the equivalent of a 30-minute jog.

#4.) No Doodling. Teachers think that if a kid is drawing in his notebook, he's not paying attention. But the exact opposite might be true. According to researchers, doodling keeps your brain active and keeps you more alert.  And if you DON'T doodle, you're more likely to get bored and lose interest in what the teacher is saying.

The Month You're Born in Makes a Huge Impact on Your Future Career:

This sounds like some mix of astrology, superstition, and an old wives' tale . . . but apparently there's actual data to back it up.  A new study out of England found that the MONTH when someone is born makes a big impact on their future career. It's hard to figure out the science behind it . . . there are theories about things like the amount of sunlight pregnant women are exposed to, or the allergies children are more prone to in different seasons. But no one's really sure. All they know is that data has shown people born in certain months end up in certain careers more often. Here are the findings . . .

JANUARY. Lots of doctors and debt collectors, fewer real estate agents.

FEBRUARY. Lots of artists and traffic cops, fewer physicists. Also, people born in February are most prone to narcolepsy. (???)

MARCH. Lots of pilots and musicians.

APRIL. The only career that's overrepresented in April over time is . . . dictators. People born in April are also more likely to have lower-than-average IQs, and more health problems.

MAY. Lots of politicians, fewer pro athletes.

JUNE. Lots of CEOs. Also high on Nobel Prize winners.

JULY. Lots of manual laborers and artists.

AUGUST. Lots of manual laborers and high-ranking politicians.

SEPTEMBER. Lots of people in academia and sports.

OCTOBER. Lots of politicians. People in October are also most likely to live the longest.

NOVEMBER. Lots of serial killers. Also, people born in November are most prone to bipolar disorder.

DECEMBER. Lots of dentists. Also lots of religious and secular MESSIAHS . . . everyone from JESUS . . . to STALIN and MAO.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Three Common Nutrition Mistakes Parents Make:

Most kids are back to school, so here's a list to help make sure they head back healthy. You've probably heard one or two of these before, but here are three common nutrition mistakes that some parents make every day.

#1.) Too Many High-Calorie Drinks. One can of Coke has 155 calories. And if a young child has two, that's almost one fourth of the calories they're supposed to have in a whole day. And juice isn't much better. The three drinks you SHOULD give your kids on a regular basis are water, milk, and unsweetened tea.

#2.) Letting Your Kids Eat Snacks Instead of Meals. Some parents let their kids snack all day . . . then wonder why they're not hungry at dinner Snacks that are high in fiber are good . . . like fruit, carrots, and nuts . . . because they give kids a boost of energy, without all the empty calories. The problem is, most of the snacks they sell in the chip aisle are FULL of empty calories.

#3.) Portion Sizes. If you've ever read a food label, you know that the standard for adults is 2,000 calories a day. As you'd expect, small kids don't need that many. But some teenagers actually need MORE. Preschoolers need about 1,000 calories a day. Elementary school kids need 1,400. And high schoolers need between 1,600 and 2,500, depending on how active they are.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Five Things That Seem Good for Your Body . . . But Aren't:

Eating right and exercising are obviously the two most important things you can do for your health. But some things that SEEM good for your body, can actually be bad. Here are five of them, according to the magazine "Women's Day".

#1.) Constantly Trying New Skincare Products. Dermatologists suggest picking a routine and sticking with it. It can be weeks or even months before you see results with some products. So don't give up to soon. Constantly changing skin products can actually irritate your skin, and cause adult rosacea . . . which is when your skin gets red and patchy.

#2.) Wearing Flip-Flops. It's fine every now and then. But wearing something with no arch support can cause back problems, knee problems, and stress fractures in your feet. And flip-flops make certain muscles in your feet work harder than they should, which can lead to tendonitis. Plus, it exposes your feet to more bacteria and skin diseases, like plantar warts and athlete's foot.

#3.) Only Drinking Bottled Water. It might taste better than tap, but tap water in most areas has fluoride in it to help protect your teeth. Bottled water doesn't, and some dentists think it's causing more tooth decay in adults. The best thing to do is use a Brita, which filters all the impurities out of the tap water . . . but not the fluoride.

#4.) Using Extra-Strength Cleaning Products. Some people think that if a product is stronger, they don't have to clean as often. But the best way to avoid bacteria is to use NORMAL cleaning products, and just clean more often. A lot of the industrial-strength cleaners are just overkill. And some contain chemicals that have been shown to cause asthma, and even cancer.

#5.) Taking Extra Supplements. Your body only needs a certain amount of vitamins and minerals a day. If you get more than you need, it usually doesn't matter. But it might if you're CONSTANTLY popping vitamins. For pregnant women, too much vitamin A can be toxic for the baby. And too much vitamin C can interfere with glucose readings for diabetics. Too much vitamin B6 for ANYONE can cause nerve damage.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Four Signs You're in at Least Decent Health:

The other day I gave you a list from Dr. Oz of "Three Weird Ways Your Body Can Tell You Something's Wrong." Now, here's something to put your mind at ease: It's a list of four signs you're in relatively GOOD health.

#1.)When You Empty Your Bladder, It's Fairly Clear. It should be a pale yellow color, and you should be using the bathroom a few times a day. It's a sign that you're properly hydrated, and your kidneys are healthy. If it's cloudy, dark, or BRIGHT yellow, it's a sign you're dehydrated. And if it's clear, it means you're TOO hydrated, which isn't a big deal. But when you are, your body doesn't absorb enough salts and electrolytes.

#2.) Your Cuts Heal Fairly Quickly. It means your blood is clotting normally, your white blood cells are carrying away bacteria like they should, and your blood vessels are healthy. If you bruise easily or it takes weeks for a cut to heal, it could be a sign of liver disease, a bone marrow disorder, or hemophilia which is when your blood doesn't clot right. But don't freak out. Bruising easily can also be caused by medication, or just the fact that you're getting older. Because as you age, the smallest type of blood vessels in your body . . . your capillaries . . . become more prone to rupture. And your skin also gets thinner, which doesn't help.

#3.) Healthy Hair and Nails. When you have a vitamin deficiency, your hair and fingernails are usually where it shows up first. For example, if your nails curve UP, it means you might not be getting enough iron or zinc. And if they curve DOWN, you might not be getting enough B-12. If it's a SERIOUS vitamin deficiency, it can also make your hair start falling out in clumps. But if your hair is just frizzy, or you have split ends, don't worry.

#4.) You Sleep Through the Night. A lot of people don't get the recommended seven hours every night. But as long as you sleep SOUNDLY and don't wake up sweating or needing to use the bathroom twice a night, you're probably fine. If you regularly sleep through the night, it means you're most likely hitting all the stages of sleep you need to in order to stay healthy. And OCCASIONAL insomnia is considered normal. The one thing you DO still have to worry about is snoring, because it could be a sign of sleep apnea, which prevents your blood from getting enough oxygen. If you get enough sleep, you SHOULD wake up feeling somewhat refreshed. But people with sleep apnea wake up feeling exhausted every morning.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Five Crazy Ways Your Brain Can Malfunction:

If you're not feeling on top of your game, just be thankful you don't have one of these crazy disorders. Here's a list from Cracked of five weird ways your brain can malfunction.

#1.) Fregoli Syndrome. People with severe cases think everyone they meet is the same person. And as you'd imagine, they're also usually paranoid, because they constantly think someone's stalking them or playing a trick. Fregoli syndrome also pairs up with other disorders: For example, one woman who suffered from it also suffered from something called erotomania (er-ah-tah-MAY-nia) the belief that someone's in love with you when they aren't. She thought Erik Estrada from "CHiPs" was madly in love with her and communicated with her telepathically. And she thought EVERYONE was Erik Estrada.

#2.) Visual Agnosia. It's when the image-processing part of your brain shorts out, and you can't identify things for what they are anymore. So, you look at an orange and think it's an elephant. In one case, a man with visual agnosia sat down for an interview with a neurologist. And at the end of the interview, he thought his wife's head was his HAT and tried to put it on. The neurologist ended up writing a book about him called "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat".

#3.) Mirrored-Self Misidentification. It's when there's a breakdown in the part of your brain that understands how reflections work. So when you look in the mirror, you think you're looking at a stranger in a window. It's extremely rare, but it's most common in Alzheimer's patients.

#4.) Anosognosia. (Ano-sog-NO-zee-uh) It's when someone who's paralyzed genuinely believes they're NOT. And they make up excuses for why they can't move. It sounds crazy, but it's actually common in stroke patients. According to several studies, over half of people with stroke-induced paralysis on one side of their body suffer from at least a mild form of it while they're recovering. And it's not because they're just stubborn and won't admit they're disabled. It's because the area of the brain that controls body perception is damaged.

#5.) Somatoparaphrenia. (So-muh-tuh-pahr-uh-FREE-nee-uh) It's when there's damage to the part of your brain that knows the map of your body. So you think that one of your limbs . . . like an arm or a foot . . . is someone else's. In one case, a man denied ownership of an arm AND a foot. He didn't know whose foot it was, but for some reason he thought the arm belonged to a woman he knew named Maria. Some people who suffer from it even try to have their limbs REMOVED.

75 Reasons Why I Feel SUPER Old Today

It's that time of year again, where we all get to feel OLD. This year's incoming college freshmen, the class of 2015, were mostly born in 1993. Which means:

1. There has always been an Internet ramp onto the information highway.

2. Ferris Bueller and Sloane Peterson could be their parents.

3. States and Velcro parents have always been requiring that they wear their bike helmets.

4. The only significant labor disputes in their lifetimes have been in major league sports.

5. There have always been at least two women on the Supreme Court, and women have always commanded U.S. Navy ships.

6. They “swipe” cards, not merchandise.

7. As they’ve grown up on websites and cell phones, adult experts have constantly fretted about their alleged deficits of empathy and concentration.

8. Their school’s “blackboards” have always been getting smarter.

9. “Don’t touch that dial!”….what dial?

10. American tax forms have always been available in Spanish.

11. More Americans have always traveled to Latin America than to Europe.

12. Amazon has never been just a river in South America.

13. Refer to LBJ, and they might assume you're talking about LeBron James.

14. All their lives, Whitney Houston has always been declaring “I Will Always Love You.”

15. O.J. Simpson has always been looking for the killers of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

16. Women have never been too old to have children.

17. Japan has always been importing rice.

18. Jim Carrey has always been bigger than a pet detective.

19. We have never asked, and they have never had to tell.

20. Life has always been like a box of chocolates.

21. They’ve always gone to school with Mohammed and Jesus.

22. John Wayne Bobbitt has always slept with one eye open.

23. There has never been an official Communist Party in Russia.

24. “Yadda, yadda, yadda” has always come in handy to make long stories short.

25. Video games have always had ratings.

26. Chicken soup has always been soul food.

27. The Rocky Horror Picture Show has always been available on TV.

28. Jimmy Carter has always been a smiling elderly man who shows up on TV to promote fair elections and disaster relief.

29. Arnold Palmer has always been a drink.

30. Dial-up is soooooooooo last century!

31. Women have always been kissing women on television.

32. Their older siblings have told them about the days when Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera were Mouseketeers.

33. Faux Christmas trees have always outsold real ones.

34. They’ve always been able to dismiss boring old ideas with “been there, done that, gotten the T-shirt.”

35. The bloody conflict between the government and a religious cult has always made Waco sound a little whacko.

36. Unlike their older siblings, they spent bedtime on their backs until they learned to roll over.

37. Music has always been available via free downloads.

38. Grown-ups have always been arguing about health care policy.

39. Moderate amounts of red wine and baby aspirin have always been thought good for the heart.

40. Sears has never sold anything out of a Big Book that could also serve as a doorstop.

41. The United States has always been shedding fur.

42. Electric cars have always been humming in relative silence on the road.

43. No longer known for just gambling and quickie divorces, Nevada has always been one of the fastest growing states in the Union.

44. They’re the first generation to grow up hearing about the dangerous overuse of antibiotics.

45. They pressured their parents to take them to Taco Bell or Burger King to get free pogs.

46. Russian courts have always had juries.

47. No state has ever failed to observe Martin Luther King Day.

48. While they’ve been playing outside, their parents have always worried about nasty new bugs borne by birds and mosquitoes.

49. Public schools have always made space available for advertising.

50. Some of them have been inspired to actually cook by watching the Food Channel.

51. Fidel Castro’s daughter and granddaughter have always lived in the United States.

52. Their parents have always been able to create a will and other legal documents online.

53. Charter schools have always been an alternative.

54. They’ve grown up with George Stephanopoulos as the Dick Clark of political analysts.

55. New kids have always been known as NKOTB.

56. They’ve always wanted to be like Shaq or Kobe: Michael Who?

57. They’ve often broken up with their significant others via texting, Facebook, or MySpace.

58. Their parents sort of remember Woolworths as this store that used to be downtown.

59. Kim Jong-il has always been bluffing, but the West has always had to take him seriously.

60. Frasier, Sam, Woody and Rebecca have never Cheerfully frequented a bar in Boston during

61. Major League Baseball has never had fewer than three divisions and never lacked a wild card entry in the playoffs.

62. Nurses have always been in short supply.

63. They won’t go near a retailer that lacks a website.

64. Altar girls have never been a big deal.

65. When they were 3, their parents may have battled other parents in toy stores to buy them a Tickle Me Elmo while they lasted.

66. It seems the United States has always been looking for an acceptable means of capital execution.

67. Folks in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City have always been able to energize with Pepsi Cola.

68. Andy Warhol is a museum in Pittsburgh.

69. They’ve grown up hearing about suspiciously vanishing frogs.

70. They’ve always had the privilege of talking with a chatterbot.

71. Refugees and prisoners have always been housed by the U.S. government at Guantanamo.

72. Women have always been Venusians; men, Martians.

73. McDonalds coffee has always been just a little too hot to handle.

74. “PC” has come to mean Personal Computer, not Political Correctness.

75. The New York Times and the Boston Globe have never been rival newspapers.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Three Weird Ways Your Body Can Tell You Something's Wrong:

DR. OZ has a new article on the Oprah website about weird ways your body can tell you something's wrong. Here are the top three. All of them are things you look at every day, but might not think about.

#1.) Your Eyebrows Aren't as Long as They Used to Be. The end of each eyebrow should go past the outside corner of your eye. If they don't, it's a sign your thyroid might not be working right. Other symptoms of thyroid disorder include weight gain, fatigue, and constipation. But it's easily treated with medication.

#2.) Long Ring Fingers. For woman, it means you might have a higher risk of developing arthritis. According to a 2008 study, women with ring fingers that are longer than their index fingers are twice as likely to deal with it on some level.

#3.) Yellow Nails. Assuming they're not just DIRTY, it can mean a few things: It might mean you have some sort of infection. But if you're fatigued and feel the need to drink a lot of water, it could be a sign of diabetes. Your doctor can do a diabetes test to find out for sure.

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Five Weirdest Things That Influence How Your Food Tastes:

There's a new article on Cracked about the five weirdest things that influence how your food tastes. Check 'em out . . .

#1.) Color. Studies have shown that the color of a drink influences how sweet, sour, or bitter you think it is. Green makes it seem sweeter, and yellow makes it seem less sweet. But it's not just the color of the drink that matters. The color of the GLASS also has an effect. One study showed that if you serve coffee in a yellow or red cup, people will perceive it as being hotter than if it's in a blue or green cup. But the best example was mentioned in the book "Fast Food Nation". In the 1970's, scientists put people in a special room and gave them what LOOKED like a normal dinner consisting of steak, French fries, and peas. But they used special lighting to hide the fact that steak was died blue, the fries were green, and the peas were red. The volunteers had no problem eating the food when it looked normal. But when they found out they'd just eaten a blue steak, they got sick.

#2.) Your Mood. In a 1998 study, researchers asked people to rate how sweet an artificial sweetener was. Then they had them rate it again . . . after making them try to solve unsolvable puzzles, and randomly blasting them with loud horn sounds. After they were annoyed, the volunteers rated the artificial sweetener as LESS sweet . . . even though it was the exact same thing.

#3.) Background Noise. Basically, if it's too loud, your senses get overloaded and your brain loses the ability to gauge how sweet or salty your food is. That's why the music at restaurants is pretty quiet. But silence isn't good either. Studies have shown that food tastes best if the music in the restaurant is between 62 and 67 decibels . . . which is about the same level as a normal conversation.

#4.) The Label. Just suggesting that it MIGHT not taste good is apparently enough. For example, in one study people had to try two pieces of lunchmeat: One with a label that said "low-fat," and one that didn't. And even though the one that said "low-fat" WASN'T low-fat, they still said it tasted worse. Another study also found that just adding the word "substance" to a food label made the food taste worse.

#5.) What Your Mom Ate While She Was Pregnant. This one's more of a stretch. But in one study, kids were more likely to enjoy carrot juice . . . or even CRAVE it . . . if their mother drank it while she was pregnant or breastfeeding.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Five Myths About Caffeine:

f you're like me, you have caffeine every single day, in one form or another. But you probably don't know much about it. For example, you probably know that chocolate has caffeine in it, but so do over 60 different plant species. But here are five myths about caffeine you SHOULDN'T believe.

Myth #1. Caffeine Sobers You Up. You probably already know this one too: You can't sober up a drunk friend with coffee. It makes them FEEL more alert, but they'd be just as dangerous behind the wheel. According to Yahoo, college kids who drink alcohol AND caffeine . . . in coffee, soda, or energy drinks . . . are actually MORE likely to cause a car crash.

Myth #2. Caffeine Is Bad for Kids. According to "The Journal of Pediatrics", the average American kid between the ages of five and seven has about 52 milligrams of caffeine per day. That's like one-and-a-half cans of soda. And kids between eight and twelve have about twice that. But according to one study, a little caffeine is fine for kids, and doesn't have any detectable effects on hyperactivity or attention span. Higher doses CAN temporarily make them over-excited, or cause sleep problems, anxiety, and irritability. But it does that to adults too.

Myth #3. Women Who Are Trying to Get Pregnant Should Avoid Caffeine. According to at least two separate studies, moderate consumption of caffeine doesn't affect your ability to get pregnant. But to play it safe, you should limit yourself to about 200 milligrams a day, which is roughly two cups.

Myth #4. Caffeine Increases Your Risk of Developing Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, and Cancer. For most adults, three cups of coffee a day won't cause health problems. But some people are more sensitive, including seniors and people with high blood pressure. There's some research that suggests caffeine slightly increases your risk of osteoporosis, but only in REALLY high amounts . . . like eight cups of coffee a day. And even that much might be fine. Caffeine also doesn't increase your risk of heart disease, raise your cholesterol, or cause irregular heartbeats. And it doesn't cause cancer either. According to an international review of 66 different studies, coffee has little or no effect on your risk of developing pancreatic cancer or kidney cancer. And a study of 59,000 women in Sweden found no connection between caffeine consumption and breast cancer. Sweden drinks more coffee per capita than any other country.

Myth #5. Caffeine Has No Health Benefits. Coffee has antioxidants that can help prevent cancer. And there's also some evidence that caffeine reduces your risk of Parkinson's disease, liver disease, and type 2 diabetes. But it's still up for debate.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Four Cover Letter Mistakes That Could Prevent You From Getting an Interview:

People freak out about cover letters, as if one line will make or break their chance of getting a job. But they're really just a formality, and you'd have to have make blatant spelling and grammar mistakes for you cover letter to be a dealbreaker. But in this economy, why take chances: Here are four other things that can actually ruin a good cover letter.

#1.) Don't Make It Too Short or Too Long. According to the president of one staffing firm in New York, it should be somewhere between 200 and 250 words. If it's shorter, you'll look like you didn't try. And if it's longer, they might just skip it. He also says you should highlight one major accomplishment, like saying you increased sales by 50% in a year. He says that if he reads something concrete like that, he'll look at the resume.

#2.) Personal Stories. The major accomplishment you highlight HAS to be work-related. So if you're applying for a job in communications, don't talk about how you ran a half-marathon last year. They won't care. Instead, save it for the interview, so you'll have a good answer if they ask what your hobbies are.

#3.) Don't Criticize the Company You're Applying To. It sounds obvious, but some people submit cover letters with lines like, "Your company looks great. But from your website, I can tell you need help with marketing." You might think it'll make you stand out as someone who can immediately bring something to the company. But in reality, it just makes you look arrogant.

#4.) Jokes. If the person reading it doesn't know you and you don't know their sense of humor chances are the joke won't land. But even if it does, you'll look unprofessional. Jokes are even risky during an interview, because the best-case scenario is, they'll think you're funny which probably won't get you the job. And the worst-case scenario is, they'll think you're an IDIOT which DEFINITELY won't get you the job.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Eight Super-Healthy Foods That Are Also Super-Cheap

One reason people don't eat healthier is because they think healthy food is more expensive. But here's a list from of eight super-healthy foods that are also super-cheap:

#1.) Kale. It has vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, calcium, and omega-3s, and it only costs about 60 cents per serving.

#2.) Low-Fat Milk. An eight-ounce glass has nine essential nutrients, including some that most people don't get enough of, like calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. Non-fat and 1% milk are healthier than 2% and whole, but they cost the same.

#3.) Mangos. One cup has 80% of the vitamin C you need in a day, plus 25% of the vitamin A, 7% of the potassium, and three grams of fiber. And one mango only costs about 50 cents.

#4.) Dried Cranberries. A lot of people drink expensive pomegranate juice for the antioxidants. But dried cranberries have them too, and they're a lot cheaper. One cup costs about 50 cents. Just don't eat too many because they're high in sugar.

#5.) Sweet Potatoes. They have beta-carotene, which is what gives them their orange color, and beta-carotene is good for your skin. Studies have shown that getting enough of it can result in fewer wrinkles, and sweet potatoes only cost about 43 cents per serving.

#6.) Eggs. One hard-boiled egg has about 70 calories and only costs 20 cents. But unless your doctor tells you to, DON'T just eat the egg whites . . . because most of the vitamins are in the yolk. If you're worried about cholesterol, don't eat more than seven eggs a week and you should be fine.

#7.) Pinto Beans. They have protein, fiber, and B vitamins. Plus, they have more antioxidants than almost any other bean. But pinto beans are also the CHEAPEST type of bean. They cost about 13 cents a cup.

#8.) Black Tea. You don't have to buy expensive tea to get the health benefits, because regular black tea has the same flavanoids that protect against free-radicals. And people who drink tea also age better. All for about 5 cents a cup.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Is Your Facebook Profile Hurting Your Dating Potential?

These days, social networking is part of dating. Most of the time it helps you learn about people and stay connected. But sometimes it can INTERFERE. So here are four parts of your Facebook profile you should look at before you meet someone new.

#1.) Your Pictures. Your pictures are the first thing someone looks at when they're checking you out on Facebook. So be selective about the pictures you post or are tagged in. And ladies, stop it with the DUCK FACE.

#2.) Posts About Politics or Religion. Not saying you shouldn't feel free to express your opinions, just be aware that you might isolate part of the dating pool in the process. On the other hand, if someone doesn't like your "Sarah Palin is the Antichrist" status update, you probably wouldn't get along anyway.

#3.) Your Friends and Their Comments. Not only are potential dates going to be looking at what YOU post, they're going to look at your friends' comments too. So if you're a girl who only has guys commenting on your status updates, it might look bad.

#4.) Pages You Like. Just like status updates, the pages you like can reveal a lot about you. So if you've "liked" Mel Gibson's Facebook page, potential dates are going to see that and judge you. (

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Six Cooking Mistakes That Can Make You Sick:

Thirty six million pounds of ground turkey were recalled last week because of a salmonella outbreak. But even when there's NOT an outbreak, food-borne illness is a threat. So the editors at "EatingWell Magazine" came up with a list of dangerous mistakes you might be making in the kitchen. Here are the top six.

Mistake #1. Not Checking Your Food When There's a Recall. According to a 2008 survey by Rutgers University, about 40%of Americans don't search their kitchens when food gets recalled. You can find an up-to-date list at

Mistake #2. Your Refrigerator Isn't Cold Enough. The temperature inside your fridge can creep up during the summer. So they suggest buying a thermometer to make sure it stays below 40 degrees. The food you keep on the door is the most vulnerable.

Mistake #3. Defrosting Food on the Counter. Two hours is the absolute max, because after the outer layer reaches 40 degrees, bacteria starts multiplying fast. So you should always thaw food in the refrigerator or the microwave.

Mistake #4. Using the Same Cutting Board for Everything. Washing it after you cut meat is usually good enough, but it can still leave bacteria behind. So ideally, you should use one cutting board for meat, and a second one for everything else.

Mistake #5. Not Using a Meat Thermometer. It's the only way to know your meat is DEFINITELY cooked enough. The recommended minimums are 160 degrees for ground beef, 165 degrees for poultry, and 145 degrees for ground beef.

Mistake #6. Eating Cold Leftovers. According to the USDA, all leftovers that used to be hot should be reheated to at least 165 degrees to kill any dangerous bacteria. So in other words . . . stop being lazy, and put your cold pizza in the microwave.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Five Household Chores That Burn Major Calories:

Did you know you can burn about 250 calories an hour from gardening? Well, you can. And here's a list from "Reader's Digest" of five more household chores that burn major calories.

#1.) Cooking. Slaving over a hot stove burns about 150 calories an hour. But obviously, if you do multiple taste-tests while you're cooking, the extra calories you CONSUME can also add up.

#2.) Sweeping or Mopping. They both work your upper and lower body, and each of them burn about 240 calories an hour.

#3.) Painting. Staining your deck or repainting a room works your arms and legs, and if you do it for an hour straight, you'll burn about 290 calories.

#4.) Mowing the Lawn. One hour of mowing burns about 325 calories. But obviously that's only with a push mower, not a riding mower.

#5.) Shoveling Snow. It's probably the last thing you're thinking about right now. But once winter hits, shoveling snow burns about 415 calories an hour.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Five Myths About Eating Healthy:

You've probably heard a few health myths that SOUND true . . . like that fresh fruits and veggies are better than frozen, or that sea salt has less sodium. But just because it SOUNDS true, doesn't mean it is: If frozen produce was picked during the peak of the growing season, it's actually BETTER than fresh. And sea salt has just as much sodium as table salt does people just tend to use LESS sea salt, because it has bigger crystals. Here are five more healthy food myths that either aren't true, or don't tell the whole story.

Myth #1.) 100% Fruit Juice Is Good for You. It's better than juice from concentrate, but it's still loaded with sugar. It's much healthier to eat the whole fruit, which still has sugar but also has the fiber and vitamins that you don't get in juice.

Myth #2.) Gatorade Is Better Than Water After You Exercise. Unless you work out really hard for over an hour . . . or when it's really hot outside . . . water is fine. In fact, having a sports drink after a light workout just adds extra calories you don't need.

Myth #3.) Dark Bread Is Always Better Than White Bread. Some bread companies add caramel coloring to make bread LOOK healthy. So check for a brand that says "whole grain" or "100% whole wheat." And the first ingredient should either be whole wheat, whole rye, whole-grain corn, oat, barley, buckwheat, or brown rice.

Myth #4.) Eggs with Brown Shells Are Better for You. The only thing the color of an eggshell tells you is what color the hen was: White eggs come from hens with white feathers. Brown eggs come from hens with red feathers. Brown eggs are usually more expensive, but it's because red hens eat more than white hens do, not because brown eggs are healthier.

Myth #5.) If the Label Says "All Natural," It Must Be Healthy. If it's on meat or poultry, it means they didn't add any artificial colors or flavors, and the meat wasn't irradiated to kill off bacteria. But with any other type of food, the word "natural" is just marketing nonsense that's absolutely meaningless.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Six Outdated Resume Rules You Should Ignore:

Some of the tips that helped land job interviews ten years ago just don't work anymore. Here are six outdated resume rules you should ignore.

#1.) Your Resume Can Only Be One Page. Two-page resumes are common now. If you're young and don't have much experience, stick to one page. Otherwise, two's fine.

#2.) Your Resume Should List Every Job You've Had. Actually, this was NEVER a good tip. Your resume should make you look as qualified as possible. So if you dressed up as a toy soldier outside FAO Schwarz 10 years ago, and it has nothing to do with the job you're applying for, don't list it.

#3.) Putting "References Available Upon Request" at the Bottom. Hiring managers already assume that if they want a reference, you'll provide one. So writing it out just takes up an extra line and makes you look old.

#4.) You Should Have an "Objective" at the Top of Your Resume. Companies don't care about it anymore. And if it doesn't perfectly fit the position you're applying for, it might actually hurt your chances. Some people list their career highlights or skills where the objective used to go. Or you can just leave it out.

#5.) You Should Be More Formal When You Write Your Cover Letter. These days, the best resumes and cover letters are somewhat conversational. And if you're too formal, you either sound stiff or dishonest.

#6.) A Few Days After Submitting Your Resume, Make a Follow-Up Phone Call. A phone call used to be the only way to make sure your resume got there. But now, getting an extra phone call in the middle of work can be annoying. So as long as you send it to the right email address and remember to attach the file, you're fine. And if you DO need to contact them again, do it over email.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Seven Things That Are Actually Getting Cheaper:

It seems like just about everything costs more than it used to. And prices for everything from coffee and bacon, to rent, health care, and used cars have hit all-time highs. But according to "Time" magazine, here are seven things that are actually getting cheaper.

#1.) Pools. Sales of in-ground pools have dropped 75% since 2004. And it's caused what "The Wall Street Journal" called, quote, "one of the most dramatic discounting eras ever seen." If you're in the market, most companies are offering big discounts, and throwing in extra stuff for free.

#2.) IKEA Products. By cutting the cost of materials, transportation, design, production, and marketing, IKEA is lowering prices on everything by two to three percent this year. And they're also doing the same thing NEXT year.

#3.) Volkswagens. Most cars are getting more expensive, but in the last two years, Volkswagen has lowered the base price of both the Jetta and the Passat. Last year, they dropped the price of the Jetta by about $1,700 to $15,995 And the 2012 Passat starts at $19,995, which is $7,000 cheaper than the 2011 model. Although, according to car experts, the new models aren't quite as good.

#4.) Real Estate. Homeowners aren't happy about this one, but it's great if you're planning to buy. In the last few years, housing prices have decreased by one-third, which is even more than they did during the Great Depression.

#5.) Solar Panels. 66% more Americans had solar panels installed in the first quarter of 2011 than in 2010. And it's partly because the price of solar panel equipment has dropped 15% over the last year.

#6.) 3-D Televisions. Last July, a 50-inch 3-D television cost about $900 more than a regular 50-inch TV did. But right now, the 3-D version is about $400 more.

#7.) Going Into Space. A company called SpaceX is developing new rockets that will make space travel one-third to one-half cheaper. But it'll still cost about $100,000 per person. So . . . start saving now?

Monday, July 25, 2011

Here are the 25 Signs You're Getting Old:

A new survey in England came up with the 25 signs YOU'RE GETTING OLD. Ready to see how many of them apply to you? If the answer is "a lot," you're not alone: About 60% of the people surveyed said they were showing plenty of signs from the list. And a decent number of those people were in their 20s. Here are the signs:

#1. You fall asleep in front of the TV . . . #2. You wake up feeling stiff . . . #3. You groan when you bend down . . . #4. You're shocked by sexual music videos . . . #5. You hate noisy bars and restaurants . . . #6. You think teachers, cops, and doctors look really young . . . #7. You grow more ear hair and nose hair . . . #8. You struggle to use technology . . . #9. You forget people's names . . . #10. You don't know any of the top 10 songs on the radio. #11. You choose clothes and shoes for comfort, not style . . . #12. You start driving slower . . . #13. Your tastes change and you like "older" drinks, like sherry . . . #14. You complain more . . . #15. You misplace things more often. . .#16. You think your coworkers keep getting younger . . . #17. You take mid-afternoon naps . . . #18. You complain about all the garbage on TV these days . . . #19. Your ears get bigger . . . #20. You like going for a nice Sunday walk . . . #21. You're losing your hair . . . #22. You go on vacation to a place that doesn't allow kids . . . #23. You develop an interest in gardening . . . #24. You like being carded for alcohol . . . #25. You know your alcohol limit, and cut yourself off.

The survey also found that the majority of people say SIXTY is the age when someone can officially be considered "old."

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Slow Cooker Asian Tomato Beef

Spend just 10 minutes putting this recipe together earlier in the day, and come home to a tender beef and broccoli dish that's as good as a restaurant entrée.

Ingredients: 2 cans (10 3/4 ounces each) Condensed Tomato Soup, 1/3 cup soy sauce, 1/3 cup vinegar, 1 1/2 teaspoons garlic powder, 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper, 1 boneless beef round steak (3 to 3 1/2 pounds), cut into strips, 6 cups broccoli florets, hot cooked rice

Directions: Stir the soup, soy sauce, vinegar, garlic powder, black pepper and beef in a 3 1/2-quart slow cooker. Cover and cook on LOW for 7 to 8 hours or until the beef is fork-tender. Stir in the broccoli. Increase the heat to HIGH. Cover and cook for 15 minutes or until the broccoli is tender-crisp. Serve the beef mixture with the rice. This recipe may also be cooked on HIGH for 4 to 5 hours.

Tipping 15% Isn't Enough Anymore. Here's What You SHOULD Be Tipping:

If you're going out for dinner . . . or even picking up dinner to bring home . . . here's a guide from the magazine "LA Weekly" on what constitutes an acceptable tip these days. Basically, they say 15% isn't enough anymore, and you should almost always leave at least 20%, even when you order delivery. But here are more specific things the article says.

#1.) Baristas. When you're at Starbucks, a dollar in the jar is pretty much the standard. If you order a coffee and a scone, that's about 20%. But if you just order a coffee and the barista makes it correctly, you're still supposed to leave a buck.

#2.) Bartenders. A dollar a drink. But "LA Weekly" says if you're at a trendy place that charges $15 for a Red Bull and vodka, you should leave two.

#2.) If Your Waiter Is Also the Owner of the Restaurant. Still leave 20%. It doesn't change the fact that he's doing the same thing a normal waiter would do. And small business owners aren't always swimming in money.

#3.) Picking Up a To-Go Order. If there's a tip line on the credit card receipt, and all the person at the register did was package up your food, 10% is enough.

#4.) Valets. At least two dollars, but three if you really like your car.