Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Celebrate Being Single!

If you've recently gone through a breakup, you might be working through some pain and not have a lot to celebrate ... until now. It's National Singles Week! Time to celebrate the fact that you're not stuck in a bad relationship and that you can do whatever you want and date whoever you want! According to, here are some reasons why being single rocks:

• More Free Time -- This is the no-brainer. Relationships are a major time-suck. You now have time for hobbies, laundry, working out and just goofing off all day with nowhere to be.

• Opportunities for Love -- Even if you don't have anyone in your sights right now, don't worry. When you find someone, you'll get to fall in love again. It'll be fun and exciting.

• Your Time Is Yours -- When you're part of a couple, it's considerate and pretty normal to check in with your significant other to see what they're doing and if they want to join you in what you're planning on doing. When you're single, you're free to do what you want, when you want and how you want -- without any need to run your plans by anyone else.

• Free to Be Weird -- We all have little weird behaviors that make us happy that we try to hide around other people. No more need to keep your guard up. Just relax and be yourself.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

What Women REALLY Want in a Guy

When it comes to finding the perfect husband, attractive women really are pickier. They want a handsome, good-looking man to someone who will be loyal and devoted to them. David Buss from The University of Texas at Austin and Todd Shackelford from Florida Atlantic University have answered that age-old question: What do women want? These are the four qualities attractive women want in a man:

Good genes, reflected in desirable physical traits
Economic resources
The desire to have children and good parenting skills
Loyalty and devotion

Five Secrets You Should Never Keep

Everyone has a little something to hide --but some things are so serious they absolutely must be shared with your significant other. The love gurus over at redbook magazine discovered a handful of secrets that you should never keep to yourself!

1. You've Got Money Issues. Remember the golden rule of communication --often couples don't realize the other is getting in deeply in debt because they simply don't talk.

2. There's a Chance Your Relationship Is In Trouble. JENNINE ESTES --a marriage and family therapist --suggests bringing up "scary feelings" like boredom or resentment before any real damage is done. Speak up quickly --even if it hurts.

3. You're Unhappy in Bed. "Faking it" may be an easy way out, but it's just not fair. Chances are the man in your life will be supportive --and will do almost anything to please you.

4. Something's Up With Your Health. Your well-being affects your entire family --open up and you could be surprised how the team will rally around you.

5. You've Had a Traumatic Past. People hold onto their secrets due to our good friend fear. Too bad hiding information can create distance in your relationship --open up, expose the scars and you'll probably see some major benefits.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

6 things your body does that science can't explain...

From, here they are:

Yawning - it doesn't actually seem to serve any purpose. And it's strangely contagious.

Adolescence - Some believe teenagers were awkward balls of nerves and nose grease as early as the Homo erectus era over a million years ago, while others think it's a much more recent development.

Placebo Effect - A guy says he's feeling nauseous, you give him a sugar pill and tell him it'll cure it. He stops worrying about his stomach, thus the stomach calms down.

Dreaming - We really know very little about what causes them or what purpose they serve (Even though human beings are obsessed with dissecting and interpreting dreams).

Blushing - Some scientists, noting that women blush more than guys, have suggested that blushing developed specifically so they could prove they were honest and submissive towards men.

Pubic Hair - You're on your own on this one!

Friday, September 17, 2010

AI Auditions Online!

"American Idol" is now holding auditions online. Fox is celebrating the show's 10th anniversary by accepting videos from budding young pop stars at MySpace. The entries can't be longer than 40 seconds, and you have to choose from a list of approved songs.

Those include "Ain't No Sunshine" by BILL WITHERS, BARRY MANILOW's "Copacabana" and KEITH URBAN's "Kiss A Girl." Fox says some of the best entries will get an-in personal tryout in Los Angeles.

You have until October 6th to get their video audition uploaded, and you must be between the ages of 15 and 28.

Learn more a

Monday, September 13, 2010

What chefs never tell you:

C'mon, admit it; you've always wanted to know what the chef's know about dining out. Who better to ask? The people at the Food Network did and here are some highlights:

--Chefs are picky eaters; most in the survey said they hate liver, sea urchin, tofu, eggplant, and oysters.

--When eating out in other restaurants, chefs say they avoid pasta and chicken. They're often the most overpriced (and least interesting) on the menu.

--Appropriate tip: 20 percent, which is what chef's say they leave when they eat out (but 90 percent said it's fair to penalize bad waiters with a smaller tip).

--Menu "specials" are often experimental dishes. Only five percent said it's a way of using up old ingredients. Most use specials to try out new ideas or serve seasonal ingredients.

--Favorite restaurant: The French Laundry in California's Napa Valley. Dinner for ONE: $240. Before wine.

--Favorite fast food joint: Wendy's.

--Critics are more likely to get special treatment before movie stars do, by a 71-to-63 percent margin

--Roaches are more common than you think. Three-quarters admit they've seen roaches in the kitchen, but 85 percent give their kitchens an eight out of 10 for cleanliness.

--Only 13 percent have seen a cook do unsavory things to a customer's food.

--Chefs cook when they’re sick. Half admitted they did. It's not uncommon to get cut on the job, get stitches and come back to work.

--The five-second rule actually applies. One quarter said they'd pick up food that dropped on the floor and cook it.

--Waiters try to influence the order, according to 95 percent of the chefs.

--Restaurants mark up wine by a lot more than you think --up to 2½ times what it would cost in a wine store.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Seven Secrets of Low-Stress Families:

Life should be easy when you have a mommy, daddy, the pitter-patter of little feet and the family dog all under one roof, right? Unfortunately, that's not always the case! Redbook magazine reports researchers from UCLA went on a mission to find how families with two working parents, at least two kids and a mortgage manage to keep it all together --peacefully!

1. Low-Stress Couples Don't Divvy Up the Chores. The key word here is "we" --no keeping score, no keeping track --happy households are focused on their common goals and partners pitch in without being asked.

2. Low-Stress Families Find Small Moments of Togetherness. While "bonding" may be nice to look at on the front of a Hallmark card, the true connections don't have to made on family vacations at Disneyland. Taking time to help out with homework, brushing your little girls' hair or making everyday tasks like laundry fun can go a long way.

3. Low-Stress Parents are Role Models --Not Pals. When mom and dad are patient and supportive of one another the kids can feel it and will be more inclined to act the same. Furthermore, parents who delegated chores to children as opposed to asking which ones they'd prefer suffered through fewer tantrums.

4. Low-Stress Moms Make Dinner From Scratch. Researcher MARGARET BECK discovered that almost every family spends an hour getting supper on the table, whether or not they're using "convenience" foods. Have a picky eater in the house? Put the little ones to work --Ms. Beck found that kids who assisted in food preparation always ate what was served and the mood in the house was lighter with a little team effort.

5. Low-Stress Moms Take Five Minutes of Me Time. The working woman is under a lot of pressure, but unwinding for just a few minutes is a key to keeping mom healthy.

6. Low-Stress Families Watch TV Together. If the gang wants to kick back with some tube time, don't sweat it! Believe it or not --laughing together over a sitcom or checking out your favorite sports teams can be a great way to bond.

7. Low-stress Families Embrace Daily Rituals. Routine and continuity helps families thrive. Reading bedtime stories every night, saying what you're thankful at dinner or any "little moment" repeated daily makes life comforting.